Athlete of the Month April Wangara 2018

June 2, 2023
Athlete of the Month April Wangara 2018

Huge congrats to our Athlete of the Month for April! Shuvon has recently joined our Access Weightlifting Club and is making massive improvements in both her Snatch & her Clean and Jerk. Shuvon's dedication inside and outside of the gym has been noticed by all our coaches and she is always one of the hardest workers in the room. Shuvon has recently lost 36cm off her body by knuckling down on her nutrition and macros over the past 8 weeks. We can not wait to see what this awesome girl achieves over the next few months!

Let's get to know more about this inspiring athlete here:

• Name: Shuvon Bruce

• Age: 27

• Occupation: Estimators Assistant

• How long have you been at CrossFit Access? I think coming up to 1 year? not actually sure

• What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit? hanging out with my dogs, seeing friends, going on adventures with my partner

• What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs? favorite movements would be snatching and cleans and least favorite thrusters, rowing and all gymnasty movements haha!

• What your biggest achievement so far? kipping HSPU, strict pull up and endurance has improved

• What are your future goals? to get a 50kg squat snatch, 100kg squat, better bar path and improve on gymnastics.

• Tell us something we don’t know about you. uummmmmmmm... I like dogs more than people

• Who’s your box buddy? everyone ? I don't have a particular person I buddy up with.

• Why did you start CrossFit? I first saw a CrossFit class when I was at my previous gym and it scared the absolute crap out of me! everyone was super intimidating cause they were lifting heavy weights, slamming them down and heavy metal cranking! but all of that intrigued me and i wanted to join in on the fun. I ended up doing my fundamentals class and joining in. Best decision!

• What do you love about CrossFit Access? Everything and everyone!! Access gives and gives and gives to it's members and looks after us all. Our coaches are awesome with a world of knowledge and always willing to help, even when they're flat out with a busy class and/or a busy life.

• Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey? don't be scared of the movements, they're all scaleable, don't believe the stereotypes, keep your ego in check and most of all have fun!

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