June 2, 2023

Huge congratulations to Erin Kitson, our athlete of the month for November! Erin is one of our fit Mums and inspiring Masters athlete who has always been consistent with her training and putting in the effort to achieve her goals, attending our specialty classes and a regular at Enduro. This cool Mum is a gun at the gymnastics movements and works hard to improve her strength.  Erin likes to compete, with quite a few podiums over the last year and most recently won the Rumble in Jungle pairs comp.  We love having Erin's friendly face around the gym alongside her family, always smiling and cheering for others. Grateful to have you as such a big part of our community Erin, and keep up the awesome training. We look forward to watching you achieve more awesomeness in 2019!Let's get to know more about this inspiring athlete here:

Name: Erin Kitson

Occupation: Mum & receptionist

How long have you been at CrossFit Access? A bit over a year❤️

What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit? Holidaying, who doesn’t! Hanging out with my family and friends, drinking wine.

What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs?

Favourite moment Heavy overhead squats and snatches and any gymnastics

Least fav- Kettlebell jerks and the Assault bike.

What your biggest achievement so far? Getting DU and butterfly pull ups.

What are your future goals? Snatching past my 45kg and Ring muscle ups.

Tell us something we don’t know about you. I nap... a lot ?

Who’s your box buddy? Love it when I get to train with all my family, love all the people there but was over the moon when my sister joined too and of course my comp partner Ren.

Why did you start CrossFit? About 2 and a half years ago

What do you love about CrossFit Access? Each coach brings something different to classes, it’s always fun (even if I cried once) that damn 46kg snatch got me ... and the people I get to see every day

Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey? Don’t compare yourself to others, we all started out as beginners and we were all shitting our pants the first few times we walked into the box.

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