June 2, 2023

So. Do you feel it?

Do you feel the newness that the summertime sun brings?

Do you feel an extra spring in your step, an extra sparkle in your eye because the sun is shining a little brighter?

Do you feel like it’s time to shed the ‘blah’ that often comes after the silly season?

You do!! That’s friggin fantastic!

Now, are you just going to feel the feels or are you going to actually do something with that pep, sparkle, shine and zing that comes with summer? Are you going to be a do-er, or are you going to be one of the masses that let this glimmer slip by and then be saying to yourself after New Years, wish I’d started back then!

’Oh, I see, you want to get started, but you don’t exactly know how. That’s cool, most people are in the same boat, but lets begin rowing your boat towards your destination, and not letting it drift with the current (of those whom will merely feel the feels and then ignore) and end up further downstream.

Now, of course we’d love for you to come and see us in person, and if you want to schedule an intro appointment for our CrossFit classes then please contact us here: FREE TRIAL

But if you aren’t quite there yet, then we want to get you started anyway because getting people on track for a better life is just what we do . . .So, just as you make a commitment to pay your rent or your mortgage, or send your child to school by signing a contract, you are going to make a commitment to yourself right here and now, by printing this page off, filling it out and holding yourself accountable to the contract.



Name one healthy thing I am going to add to my nutrition daily:

State how I am going to get my recommended water intake in:

Name one thing I am going to do less of that is negatively impacting my health:

State how I am going to move more daily:

Name three activities I am going to check out that are accessible that will help me get fitter and stronger: (tick them off when you have checked them and write down the pros/cons of each and make a decision on which you are going to trial)

Date that I am going to reassess/reaffirm above:


Now – person who wants to be a do-er . . . .Go stick it on your fridge, and instead of looking at it every morning, DO THE STUFF!!

Because it’s all well and good feeling the feels, but it’s all for nothing if the feeling doesn’t translate into doing!?

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