Athlete of Month July 2018 Morley

June 2, 2023
Athlete of Month July 2018 Morley

CONGRATULATIONS, to Joe Coyne for winning our member of the month! After recently putting the FIFO life on hold, Joe has had the time to really ramp up his training. Often hitting doubles of Enduro and CrossFit, his cardio is off the charts and recent increases in his weights have seen his strength and technique really improve. Is great for a laugh, turns up daily with a smile and a weird Aussie accent even though he’s from Ireland. Never in a bad mood and lightens the atmosphere of every class he’s in! He works hard on his weaknesses, is consistent with training and looks after his body especially over the weekend... ;) It's always great to see such a big lifestyle change in our members, and always a pleasure working with you!

Let's get to know more about this inspiring athlete here:

•Name: Joe Coyne

• Age: 30

• Occupation: Excavator Operator

• How long have you been at CrossFit Access? Started when it was CrossFit Morley in November 2015 and then it changed to Access but I have been working FIFO since then on a 4/1 roster so I’ve only been getting in on my weeks off until 3months ago when I started working in the CBD again and was able to commit to it every week.

• What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit? I’m Irish so no prizes for guessing drinking of course but I do enjoy going for a run and Jacobs ladder, plus going to the beach when the weather is good

• What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs? Favorite movements are probably rope climbs, least favorite is wallballs I hate them

• What your biggest achievement so far? Figuring out rope climbs so easy once you know how

• What are your future goals? I would love to get better at all aspects of crossfit but to be able to get stronger on muscle ups, pull ups etc and do them unaided would be good

• Tell us something we don’t know about you. I’m good at impersonating people. Watch out!!!!

• Who’s your box buddy? Everyone is great really, everyone helps each other along myself and Ryan Burns push each other along in running etc

• Why did you start CrossFit? I started because it was near my house when I used to live in Morley. When I was doing FIFO I used to do a lot of bootcamp classes, I suppose I find it better than going to the gym as you are in a group environment everyone helping each other along and u get expert knowledge on hand when u are doing your workout where u wouldn’t in gyms unless you had a PT. Once I got a few weeks of it over me I was hooked and really enjoy going as often as I can.

• What do you love about CrossFit Access? Just the team spirit, no one is ever judged everyone from day one is really friendly. The coach’s are great at explaining things and making things that are complicated sound simple, (well for me anyways because it sometimes takes a while for things to register with me). It’s a good way to make new friends. I like the way it’s just you get in there get it done and it gives me heaps more energy than if I were to just go home and watch tv for the evening. Even the members that have been there a while are always on hand to help new people out if they don’t know something or need help in anyways.

• Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey? Don’t be afraid to go in and give it a go it may be daunting at the start walking in but the more you go, you get fitter and stronger. The last few months there have been new members start and you can see them bit by bit getting fitter and stronger! the more you go the less sore you will be (that’s bull but Yousef keeps saying it) but it’s great way to keep fit and get strong plus you are getting good advice and tips along the way from people that know.

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