June 2, 2023

Huge congrats to Yasko, our athlete of the month! Yasko has been absolutely smashing it since he started with us a few months back. He picks up movements easily and has  recently achieved 5 unbroken bar muscle ups. Any movements on the bar Yasko crushes and this has come from his commitment to our gymnastics class every week. Always wanting to improve as an athlete and will never shy away from hard work.

A real community man who always puts his hand up to help out. Has developed a passion for table tennis in our new hang out area but yet to get a win over his mate Callum. One to watch out for in the future!

Lets get to know more about this inspiring athlete here:

Name: Yasko Cerimovic

Age: 24

Occupation: Refrigeration & Air conditioning Technician

How long I've been at CrossFit: I've been at CrossFit for about 4 months now.

What I enjoy outside of CrossFit: basketball, swimming, bike riding anything really :)

Favourite and least favourite movements: favourite movement would be T2B. Least favourite would be squat snatch.

Biggest achievement: Improving my form in all movements and 175kg deadlift.

Future goals: To be able to do all movements with correct form.

Tell us something we don’t know about you: I love table tennis :)

Who’s your box buddy? Callum Smith

Why I started CrossFit: I started CrossFit because i was sick of how boring the gym was and how unmotivated i was everytime. I wanted to start CrossFit 3 years ago at Access but never followed through and forgot which I regret but i'm here today and I love it!

What I love about CrossFit Access: The thing I love about CrossFit is the people and atmosphere. There is never a dull day in the box which gets me pumped for the workout. Also all the coaches spend so much time on all of us to help us with our movements and form to reach our goals.

Advice for someone new: The advice I would give some one new is that which ever goals they have they will reach them in the box at CrossFit Access Malaga. Also they will never feel uncomfortable there regardless of their strengths or weaknesses.

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