June 2, 2023

CONGRATULATIONS, to Danielle Rets for winning our member of the month

This Whirlwind came in and hasn’t stopped improving from the minute Danielle stepped in the door, her drive, determination and consistency is the main reason for such fast improvement. Now becoming a regular in the Gymnastics class I can see many an RX going up on the whiteboard in the future. Danielle trains in the 9:15am class with her hubby Jesse while their two boys wait for them to finish the workout. This is truly a family affair and it’s something we love having at Crossfit Access Morley!

It's always great to see such a big lifestyle change in our members, and always a pleasure working with you

Let's get to know more about this inspiring athlete here:

Name: Danielle Rets

Age: 30

Occupation: Enterprise Mobility Manager

How long have you been at CrossFit Access? 3months

What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit? Any water or outdoor activities with my 2 crazy boys

What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs? Favourite movement would have to be toes to bar and I am definitely not a fan of any running.

What your biggest achievement so far?
Being able to do kipping pull ups in the WODs

What are your future goals?
I would love to master walking hand stands & bar muscle ups next.

Tell us something we don’t know about you. I am very competitive...

Who’s your box buddy? Recruited my cousin Rich & husband Jesse and will slowly migrate the whole family :)

Why did you start CrossFit? I wanted to get back into exercise and fitness after having kids and heard about CrossFit being the new in fitness craze so I thought I would try it out and see how I go. It was perfect timing as there was a 30 day challenge for $99 in November that popped up on my Facebook so I gave it a go and I wouldn’t look back.

What do you love about CrossFit Access?
I love the community vibe, we are like a little family, everybody is so lovely and willing to support and help out each other wherever they can. The trainers know when to push you or when to use reverse psychology to get you to add a little more weight on your bar. The kids corner and early classes works perfectly with my morning school/work schedule. I have been able to track my achievements and gains through the Wodify app which really highlights how far I have come and that is why I absolutely love CrossFit.

Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey? You will love with it, for the first 2 weeks my whole body was sore but stick with it, as the saying goes No pain, no gain! A wise trainer once told me (aka Yousef) “the best type of recovery is active recovery so I’ll see you again tomorrow.” It was the best advice and it worked a treat.

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