June 2, 2023

Huge congrats to Brett Stafford, our member of the month in November. There are not anymore hardworking members than this man right here, who turns up every morning to his beloved 5.30am class with his silverback crew. Brett will also be in the gym in the arvo working on his bench press.  He is well known for loving a chest session and bicep curls. Awesome to watch Brett recently win our in house partner competition with his good mate Alex. Such an awesome member to have around who is always keen to have a laugh and work hard. Thanks for being an epic part of the community!

Let's get to know more about this inspiring athlete here:

Name: Brett Stafford

Age: 32

Occupation: Engineer

How long have you been at CrossFit Access? 5 months

What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit? If I’m not at the box you’ll find me outside - beach, pools, hikes.

What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs? I’ll always prefer a good bench session over a burpee-WOD.

What your biggest achievement so far?  Feeling proud at how I tackle those workouts that push you to your limits - breaking it down and chipping away at it. I might not be the fastest but it feels good to finish each workout.

What are your future goals? Joining the 200 squat club is on the radar; and always trying to improve my technique and conditioning.

Tell us something we don’t know about you: Political nerd.

Who’s your box buddy? 530AM crew is a big reason I head down - nothing better than throwing some iron around with good banter.

Why did you start CrossFit? CrossFit was a chance for me to step-up my training.

What do you love about CrossFit Access? Access has been a great fit  - for me the coaches have a good balance of improving my technique, pushing my limits and quietening down those voices in your head mid-workout, which means I leave most sessions feeling pumped and keen to return for the next one.

Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey?  Forget about how fit you feel, or how much you know, if the goal is to improve your fitness and have a laugh, CrossFit will deliver.

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