June 2, 2023

Massive congrats to Tim, our athlete of the month for July! Since Tim started 5 months ago he has put max effort into his training. After CrossFitting 2 months it was awesome to see Tim enter a team comp Three V Three and greatly impressed his team mates with his ability and effort.  Not only has Tim had huge success in weight loss over the last 5 months, he has been improving consistently his technique and strength. This inspiring athlete is patient, listen to his coaches, does everything right, and is becoming part of the furniture, seen most evenings at the box! We look forward to watching more success unfold over the coming months! Keep killing it Tim!

Let's hear what Tim has to say about CrossFit:

• Name: Tim Brown

• Age: 20

• Occupation: Apprentice Electrician

• How long have you been at CrossFit Access? 5 months

• What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit? Four wheel driving, camping and fishing.

• What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs? Favourite would have to be Rope climbs or clean and jerks. Least favourite is by far burpees.

• What your biggest achievement so far? Losing 17kgs and being able to do legless rope climbs.

• What are your future goals? To be able to do muscle ups!

• Tell us something we don’t know about you. I used to play in the WA basketball team.

• Who’s your box buddy? James Baverstock and Alex Gough

• Why did you start CrossFit? I started CrossFit because I had let myself get out of shape and overweight. It helped that I had my sister Sarah there who guided me and pushed me through the starting weeks. I needed a positive change both physically mentally and trying something new like CrossFit sounded like a good idea.

• What do you love about CrossFit Access? CrossFit Access has slowly started to become a second home to me, everybody there is so friendly and they are always ready to help and assist with anything. I couldn’t ask for better coaches, both Aidan and Piggy push me out of my comfort zone in every training session and are both very knowledgeable about the physical and mental sides of an athlete.

• Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey? Just get out and do it. Don’t stop and think about it or hesitate about joining. Joining Access has been one of the most positive decisions I have ever made, it has me making goals for myself that going back a year I would have thought them to be impossible.

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